As Built Pricing

How Much Do As Built Services Cost? 

Pricing will always depend on what market your property falls under but generally price in the United States is between $2 per 1 Square Foot to $5 per 1 Square Foot ($2 - $5 per SF). 

Why Are As Built Drawings Expensive? 

As built documentation is a lengthy process that involves several hours of site measurements & several days of office work. 

On the field or property visit, it involves taking measurements,  taking photos, videos, or scans depending on the workflow & the scope of work involved. 

In the office, it takes several days to weeks to complete an as built drawing set. 

It always depend on the scope of work involved and the level of detail required. 

What affects pricing of an as built set? 

The following is an extensive list of reasons that determine as built pricing: